February 21, 2011

Quick Hits 2/21/11 (Album Reviews)

Jessica Lea Mayfield * Tell Me - Dan Auerbach wielded his production wand yet again in this latest melancholic effort by the mature-for-her-age country rock darling. The product we're given is light on intrigue and heavy on questionable heartache. (B-)

The Streets * Computers And Blues - For Mike Skinner's rumored swan song under The Streets moniker, he crafts an album lush with hooks but lacking much of the progressive energy from his excellent early efforts. Maybe it's for the best that he's calling it quits. (B)

Telekinesis * 12 Desperate Straight Lines - Sugary sweet power-pop showing no discernible creativity, yet a ton of fun at the same time. The fact that it was released on Merge should tell you plenty. (B)

DOM * Sun Bronzed Greek Gods - If you're a fan of crap, look no further. (D-)

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